Thursday, September 28, 2006


American's tend to under-estimate the value of life. Go to and see the story...It's heart changing. It's all about these children in the country of Uganda, and every night they travel from their homes to the villages so they can sleep at the bus stops in hopes of not being kidnapped and forced to kill. There is no possible way for me to even express the horrors that these kids go through.
I would say what got me the most was when this kid was telling the guy who was filming about his older brother who was killed when they escaped aubductors. I have two sisters, both older, and watching this boy break down as he thought about his brother who he couldn't see, and wouldn't see until he died, well it made me want to cry. My sisters are alive. They're alive, and well, and I will see them, and hear from them almost every day. I can't imagine life without them!
If you have siblings, treasure them. I don't care how horrible they act at times, or how selfish they can be, treasure them. And never forget.

K.M. Shea