I'll be my own Knight
I LOVE today's picture! It's probably one of the best drawn horses I've seen when it comes to anime. (Seriously, it's like they purposely screw up the horses to drive me crazy!) I'm getting some new manga in probably next week, so that will be exciting! And I have to work a lot this week, but hey I'm going to buy Zelda Twilight Princess so I'll need the extra cash.
One thing that really ticks me off is boys who rush into the scene right after you've beaten the villian. I'm speaking figurativly here. Like whenever I'm up against impossible odds I have my friends with me, and we beat them. Then in rides Prince Charming, all set to save me. (Gag me, please!) It makes me want to punch him in the teeth! HE wasn't there when I was whooping butt and getting my own rear wiped across the floor! (grumble) Meh, whatever. I only have two more pages to edit on Heart Hacking, so I'll probably post the new chapter by tomorrow.
Once Upon a Twisted Tale